Sunday, August 15, 2010

Losing me, Finding nothing

What am I? Merely a girl, a traveler, a puppet in a show.

Nothing more than something to point out.

Walking, falling, tripping, skipping,

Yet to where? Not up and not down.

Nothing in front of me. Nothing behind.

Losing everything that once defined,

A girl who thought everything was fine,

Only to hit the ground and find it was a lie.

Desperately looking, Finding nothing to hold onto.

A cry for help, never answered, merely echoing.

Tears spilling over her face, my face.

Losing myself in a world of nothingness...

Only to turn up along the road, but never the same as before.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Best friend vs. Boyfriend

I travelled up and down
Now you see what I found,
A true friendship that'll last,
An old relationship that may have passed
With sleepless nights, and brand-new sights,
I've learned that yes, love bites.
Heartfelt words bringing pain,
Days of fun with lots of rain.
A best friend is there forever,
A boyfriend maybe never.