Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Ringing Bells of Youth

Written after one of the best nights in my entire life this year.

It drifts down the halls
do you hear it?
it thrives on swings
do you hear it?

lacing ordinary things
creating a new world
heard by many
yet shared with few

resounding in theaters
originating from joy
creating a chain
kindling smiles

surrounding each of us is a ring of unheard laughter overcoming unshed tears hidden inside smothered by love, friendship & fun

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tears Falling

Dancing on a cloud
only to fall back down
further than i was before
lagging behind all others

crying myself to sleep
thinking i'm not worth anything
they try to tell me otherwise
but i know the truth

there's something wrong with me
i'm not like them at all
they can try to see past it
but maybe i just don't fit in anywhere

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


full of life
vibrantly beautiful
giving off hues
intended for tears
bringing laughter
bringing fun
the night sky
bringing depth
the clear sky
bringing sight
a big blue ocean
greets the sun
and kisses it

Hopeless (aka Me)

So yeah...I pretty much put myself down ALOT. this is what happens...

i've never been destined
to be someone great
someone worth loving
someone worth anything

my entire life is meant
to be a snowglobe
with me, merely a
speck of white
lost in a swarm of hundreds

i've never been pretty
nor am i meant to be
wishing for anything
is hopeless for me

Dreamer Baby

Dream a dream
A dream that sings
a dream the moves
a dream that is

never wanting anything
more than what you have
content with wishes
fine with a vague future

hoping for a better tomorrow
wishing for the pain of today to disappear

Moon Love

I love the moon, just sayin... and i pretty much think its gorgeous. deal with it if you disagree

Held up by invisible strings
the moon swings her course
dazzling the world in a
brilliant silver
revealing the hidden
shadows of the wood
greeting her children
who awaken from their
slumber in her misty embrace
leaping to the sky to
join her at her side
leaving a trail of glistening tears behind

Mind Games

This topic was given to me by the wonderful Mr. Dunce :)

Unknown mysteries,
hidden emotions,
unrevealed secrets,
dark pasts

all concealed within
a vault of flesh
guarded only by thought
carelessly given by lips

both things with
fairytale wings
imagined in detail
and watched with care

wanting to be freed
wanting to be known
one day discovered
causing joy to fill the air


Written after someone I thought I could trust turned on me in a big way....I just gave up after that...

radiating from your back
an arrow
shot from a shaking bow
clear within your eyes
found within theirs
finally they walk away
leaving you alone
tears and blood
mixing into one

A Sweet Rose

If you know who I am, you should know that I am in love with flowers alot...

A life untouched
innocent of all bad
unknowingly given
yet freely taken
blooming into greatness
protected and cared for
admired at a distance
slowly fading into the background

Timeline of Life

So I kinda wrote this thinking about colleges and how life is finally catching up after it was just a baby snowball, look how big it is now...

The past is a faded
Memory of long ago
Crumbling to bits
Falling to pieces

The future is a dream
Of what may be
Growing into reality
Building off life

But now, now is the
Future and past combined
At their best feeding
A soul that thrives from
What you learn