Sunday, August 15, 2010

Losing me, Finding nothing

What am I? Merely a girl, a traveler, a puppet in a show.

Nothing more than something to point out.

Walking, falling, tripping, skipping,

Yet to where? Not up and not down.

Nothing in front of me. Nothing behind.

Losing everything that once defined,

A girl who thought everything was fine,

Only to hit the ground and find it was a lie.

Desperately looking, Finding nothing to hold onto.

A cry for help, never answered, merely echoing.

Tears spilling over her face, my face.

Losing myself in a world of nothingness...

Only to turn up along the road, but never the same as before.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Best friend vs. Boyfriend

I travelled up and down
Now you see what I found,
A true friendship that'll last,
An old relationship that may have passed
With sleepless nights, and brand-new sights,
I've learned that yes, love bites.
Heartfelt words bringing pain,
Days of fun with lots of rain.
A best friend is there forever,
A boyfriend maybe never.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

China doll

This is kinda last minute, but it's a thing that's been bothering me. I have recently begun calling my best friend a China doll because she broke her foot at a soccer tournament about a week ago, well it seems like she's not the only one anymore...

We all think that we're so strong,
Something that can never be broken.
The lie comes into light,
We're all so easily broken.

Just like a China doll,
We crumble into pieces.
Slowly falling apart,
Losing everything that seems to matter.

So yeah...Anyways I'm still pretty upset about becoming a china doll now, but hey, I'm trying to take it in stride. If you wanna add anything, or whatever to the idea,feel free.

<3 ya'll

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Unbearable Pain

So if you know me, you know where this pain is from...

Dripping from my eyes,
blurring my vision
I go to my knees
Praying it's nothing serious
Scared that I may become paralyzed
Yet only focusing on the pain
That unbearable pain
Trying to make it stop
Pressed against the pain
Freezing my skin
Scalding at the same time
A huge cloud surrounds me
Eyes that know
Know they can do nothing
Nothing but wait and hope
This pain--
It lingers longer than most
Waiting to reappear
Make itself known
With one false move...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Needed to Vent

So why are birthdays so worked up anyways? Some people have millions of friends and are utterly adored; therefore they get tons of stuff, while the rest of us don't expect much! The human mind is so convoluted that the concept of birthdays has become miscontrued as a ritualistic giving of gifts instead of a celebration of life. Plus people always expect parties from the person with the birthday, why not have someone else plan it? Anyways, coming up with ideas for parties and what you want is too much to handle, so you go into overload on your birthday! The day that's supposed to be all about you, and it ends up with you trying to please everyone else. It's mad!

On the otherhand, Alice in Wonderland was a really really good movie! I love the March Rabbit and of course the wonderful Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. I'm gonna buy that movie when it comes out....

Peace out! More poems and songs later. Just wish I could play the guitar...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Girl in my Mirror

A shadow hidden in the depths
A glimmer in the shining sea
Concealed for so long
Unable to be seen by the one
The one who mattered most
At first the idea was scorned
Slowly eyes began to open
Just as hearts began to break
With the cracks and tears
Came someone worthy of loving
Someone worthy of caring for
Others had seen her before
Yet she was only halfway there
Finally the curtain raised
Out they came in all their glory
Seen in a laugh or a word
Each my own, I have found
Myself someone to be proud of


spinning around til the music stops
heart beating fast, expecting, waiting
hands reaching, trying to claw the mask aside
the need to run and hide is so strong
they wouldn't like the truth
let them keep accepting a lie
the mask keeps the pain away from home
never striking its intended target
they can't possibly want to understand
so why let them in?
hear the jeers and disdainful voices
when they find out, but they never will
because you just spin away and dance
to the beat of a drum that'll never be yours
because it's all just a game
a masquerade